报告题目:Heat transfer improvement, Advances in process integration, Energy saving and Emissions reduction
报告人:Prof Dr. Jiri KLEMES, DSc

简介:Jiri Klemes博士,教授,捷克共和国布尔诺理工大学机械工程体育博彩app
NETME中心“可持续过程集成实验室- SPIL”主任,匈牙利布达佩斯Pazmany Peter Catholic大学“过程系统工程与可持续发展中心”名誉教授。曾任曼彻斯特大学和英国爱丁堡大学UMIST过程集成系统项目总监、高级项目官。匈牙利韦斯普雷姆潘诺尼亚大学过程一体化和强化中心- CPI2的创始人和长期负责人。由欧共体授予玛丽居里杰出主席(EXC)。管理和协调93个主要欧盟、北约和英国专有技术项目的记录。Journal of Cleaner Production与Chemical Engineering Transactions联合主编、Energy学科主编、Applied Thermal Engineering荣誉执行主编。
摘要:The efficient use of energy is a very important issue for the processing industry, businesses and services, residential sector and agriculture. There are not just monetary incentives but also a growing challenge for a cleaner environment. The impact of energy generation, transport and consumption systems on environmental pollution have both local and global effects.