District heating in smart energy systems - how to increase penetration of variable renewables
报告人:Prof Dr. NevenDuic

主请人: 体育博彩app(简体中文)版本
杨 声 副教授
宋冬然 副教授
简介:Neven Duic博士,教授,克罗地亚萨格勒布大学机械工程和造船工程体育博彩app
能源部主席,Postgraduate Study Committee成员。发表原创性论文两百余篇,根据Scopus数据库,论文被引用2674次,H-index指数30。Energy Conversion Management编辑,Energy学科编辑,Applied Energy、Thermal Science等期刊编委,Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems主编。研究领域包括可再生能源系统规划、可持续社区、能源政策、能源经济学、能源效率和燃烧工程等。
摘要:Transition to decarbonized energy systems is becoming more attractive with fall of investment costs of renewables and volatile prices and political insecurity of fossil fuels. The renewable energy resources are bountiful, especially wind and solar, while integrating them into current energy systems is proving to be a challenge. Going any further asks for implementation of free energy markets, demand response, coupling of wholesale and retail energy prices, and integration of electricity, heating/cooling, water and transportation systems.